If you receive an error 'Unable to validate data' while resetting the password please reach out to your Department Admin to get it reset. You will only need to do it once since this is an issue related to the outage we had in September 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Main Goal:

The main goal of TREDS (Traffic Records Electronic Data System) is to provide accurate, timely and detailed highway safety information for analysis and reporting. The data from TREDS is used to support Virginia’s efforts to reduce crashes, injuries, fatalities and associated costs. Through TREDS, Virginia now has one of the most effective and innovative information technology tools in the nation to identify and address its highway safety concerns.

This state-of-the-art, automated data system centralizes all of Virginia’s crash data and related information. A recent enhancement to the system’s mapping tool, now allows users to combine safety program areas, such as impaired driving and speed, and it also allows agencies to focus on the crash data in their jurisdiction whereas in the past, users have only been able to narrow the data down to the county level.

Importance of Traffic Crash Data:

The comprehensive data housed in TREDS is the foundation of highway safety in Virginia. The information serves as a performance measurement tool that reflects Virginia's efforts to improve highway safety. TREDS traffic crash information can be used to:

  • Conduct problem identification and the development of resolutions for safety programs

  • Create and implement effective, integrated safety programs and initiatives

  • Conduct education and awareness initiatives

  • Make executive management decisions

  • Award and target federal highway safety funding

  • Make key legislative decisions that impact citizen safety on our roadways

  • Targeting local and state law enforcement efforts

  • Make engineering and construction improvements to our roadways

  • Work with partnering organizations to develop coordinated, innovative approaches to improve highway safety

TREDS will pave the way for Virginia’s effort to develop and implement effective safety programs that will make Virginia's roadways among the safest in the country.

Access Agreement for TREDS
  • All copyright, trademarks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in and on TREDS and content belong to the Virginia DMV and/or third parties (which may include you or other users). The Virginia DMV reserves all of its rights. Nothing in the Terms grants you a right or license to use any trademark, design right or copyright owned or controlled by the DMV or any other third party except as expressly provided in the Terms.

  • This website, design, and contents are the property of Commonwealth of Virginia and are intended for authorized users only.

  • All information and communications on this website are subject to review, monitoring, and recording at any time without additional notice or permission.

  • By accessing and using this system you are consenting to system monitoring for law enforcement and other purposes.

  • Unauthorized use of this website may subject you to State or Federal criminal prosecution and penalties.

  • By accessing and using the system you are consenting that you will use only agency-provided and/or approved equipment to connect to TREDS.

  • Users agree to follow all security guidelines as defined by agencies and the Commonwealth of Virginia, as well as their own IPOs and agencies.

DMV Customer Records
  • DMV Customer records are considered privileged information and the access, use, and release of these records is restricted by Federal and State laws.

  • Violation of the laws governing these records could result in civil penalties and/or criminal prosecution.

User ID and Passwords
  • User IDs are individually assigned and must never be shared.

  • Sharing of User IDs and passwords are not permitted and could result in the suspension of the account and/or other penalties.

Reason for deleting crash:

